#!/usr/bin/bash # File:fix-fat-dst-modtimes-data.sh #-------------------------------------------------------- # Run fix-fat-dst-modtimes.py on Android to adjust file # modification times on your FAT32 $data copy up or down # by an hour, to make them in synch with non-FAT32 drive # times after a daylight-savings-time (DST) rollover. # Example: "bash .sh -add 1 ?". # This uses path variables set in your ~/.bash_profile. # See _README.html for all general usage instructions. #-------------------------------------------------------- # Load current path settings source ~/.bash_profile # Run in work folder for logs pushd $work > /dev/null echo "Starting: $PWD" # Route logfile output here logdir=Admin-Mergeall # Filename passed as arg else generated if [ $# == 3 ] then logname=$3 else logname=fix-fat-dst-modtimes-$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S).txt fi # Create logfiles dir if needed if [ ! -e $logdir ] then mkdir $logdir echo "Created $logdir" fi # Run and save log: requires [(-add | -sub) N] on command line python Mergeall-source/fix-fat-dst-modtimes.py \ $data \ $1 $2 \ > $logdir/$logname # Back to starting dir popd > /dev/null echo "Finished: $PWD"