""" ================================================================= Test font support (and lack thereof) in Pydroid 3's tkinter. Families courier, helvetica, and times (and their synonyms) work, others trigger a hard/silent crash, and italic and bold styles are ignored for courier in both tuples and strings. Change settings below and run in the Pydroid 3 app to test. Update: Pydroid 3's 30 release fixed the font crash by simply forcing any unknown font family to be helvetica. All other limitations of its font support remain as described above. ================================================================= """ from tkinter import * root = Tk() text = Text(root, height=2) text.pack() text.config(font=('helvetica', 12, 'italic bold')) # +times, courier text.insert('0.1', 'qwerty-1') # arial==helvetica # courier: no italic/bold text = Text(root, height=2) text.pack() text.config(font='courier 12 italic bold') # change me to test text.insert('0.1', 'qwerty-2') root.mainloop()