This is the default month images folder and content. To change month images, place 12 image files in your month images folder, with names that give their relative month by sort order. To display month images, the system: 1) Lists all items in your images folder 2) Removes non-file items (e.g., subfolders) 3) Removes non-image files (e.g., this .txt file) 4) Sorts the remaining items by their file names 5) Loads the item for the month's relative number (e.g., Jan is #1) Your month folder defaults to MonthImages in the program's own folder (the folder here), but you may change this to use any folder on your computer by changing the folder's "imgpath" variable in the file "" in the program's root directory. For example, you may set this variable to point to a subfolder in the AlternateMonthImages folder here to use a different image set: imgpath = r'MonthImages\AlternateMonthImages\DrawnImages1' imgpath = r'MonthImages\AlternateMonthImages\OriginalLabeled\Large' To use month image sets of your own, either change this folder's content in-place, or change ..\'s imgpath to point to a different folder where your 12 images are stored: imgpath = r'C:\my-folder\calendarimages' For possibly more image file sets, see the zipfiles at the following URL (this content may or may not be updated over time): Fetch and unzip into a month images folder on your machine, or create an image set of your own; most image file types are supported by the underlying Pillow library (see the update ahead). You may place arbitrary subfolders and non-image files in your images folders. Unknown or corrupted image files in this folder may still fail to display, and some image types may not work without a Pillow (PIL) install, though the program will still run*. FOR MORE DETAILS, see the following sections in ..\UserGuide.html: * Using the Program => Data Files * Using the GUI => Border Control Actions ---- *UPDATE: as of version 1.6, Pillow is no longer required to display month images, when using either: 1) PNG images and a Python that uses Tk 8.6 or later (standard Windows installs of Python 3.4 or later satisfy this requirement), or 2) GIF or PPM/PPG images and any Python 3.X (and any Tk) See version 1.6 notes in doc file ..\UserGuide.html for more details. As a guideline, use PNG images and Python 3.4 or later on Windows for image quality and install simplicity. Because of the new rules, the default image set here now uses PNG files instead of the original JPEGs, so that month images work out of the box with no Pillow install in all standard Pythons 3.4+ installs on Windows.