This folder holds one iCalendar ".ics" file per calendar events set. All such files here are loaded as calendars on frigcal startup, and the GUI displays the union of all their events. To use calendars, you may: 1) Use the default file created here automatically on first (or later) frigcal start-up when no other calendars are present. 2) Run script ..\ to create any number of new empty calendars with names input at the console. 3) Copy existing files here, possibly exported from other programs. frigcal expects these to be in UTF-8 (or ASCII) Unicode format, unless you change the default encoding. See Version 1.7 notes in ..\UserGuide.html's version history for more details. A "Backups" folder is created here automatically when needed, to keep the most recent prior versions of each of your calendar files, in case of system failure (see the top-level UserGuide.html for details). While most users can accept calendar defaults, you may also point frigcal to a different calendars file folder by changing the "icspath" setting in file ..\ For example, change this setting if you wish your calendar files to be located in a folder that is part of a backed-up archive, instead of the program's own folder. You may place arbitrary unrelated files and folders here too. frigcal looks for and uses only ".ics" files in your calendar folder; only loads them on startup; and only saves them on window close button presses (and only after successful backups). FOR COMPLETE DETAILS, see the following sections in the main user-help documentation source, ..\UserGuide.html: * Using the Program => Data Files * Using Calendars See also folder 2.0-examples for example calendar files.