File: android-deltas-sync/_etc/examples/large-shared-storage/configs/

PC setup code => EDIT ME ON YOUR PC.

--See this package's top-level for docs trimmed here--



# Folders: quoted paths

LOGS  = '~/Desktop/deltas-logs'       # logfiles folder (tail -f to watch)
MALL  = '~/MY-STUFF/Code/mergeall'    # Mergeall source-code folder

FROM  = '~'                           # path to STUFF archive root on PC
TO    = '/Volumes/SAMSUNG_T5'         # path to STUFF archive root on proxy
STUFF = 'MY-STUFF'                    # name of archive's root folder

# Options: True or False

PauseSteps      = True     # stop for enter or ctrl-c between steps?
VerifyProxy     = True     # verify proxy copy with mergeall/diffall?
PreviewSyncs    = True     # show differences and ask before saving deltas?
CheckFilenames  = True     # ask to run nonportable-filenames fixer?
ShowRuntimes    = True     # display each step's runtime in the console?  
ForceKeyToClose = False    # require enter/return to close script (auto on Windows)?
BackupChanges   = True     # save proxy/PC items changed so sync can be rolled back?

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