File: android-deltas-sync/_etc/examples/basic-appprivate-storage/logs/pc/22-11-10--sync-3-apply-deltas-proxy-log.txt

mergeall 3.3 starting
*Collecting tree differences
Skipping system cruft (metadata) files in both FROM and TO
comparing [/Users/me/Desktop/temp/DELTAS] [/Volumes/SAMSUNG_T5/test-ads]
excluding /Users/me/Desktop/temp/DELTAS/__added__.txt
comparing [/Users/me/Desktop/temp/DELTAS/z-fold-3] [/Volumes/SAMSUNG_T5/test-ads/z-fold-3]
comparing [/Users/me/Desktop/temp/DELTAS/z-fold-3/more] [/Volumes/SAMSUNG_T5/test-ads/z-fold-3/more]
comparing [/Users/me/Desktop/temp/DELTAS/z-fold-3/more/more] [/Volumes/SAMSUNG_T5/test-ads/z-fold-3/more/more]
Phase runtime: 0.0028306640000000036
*Reporting tree differences
SAMEFILE DIFFERENCES: (name, dirfrom, dirto, why)
**These items will be replaced in dirto by automatic resolution**

UNIQUE ITEMS IN DIRTO: (names, dirfrom, dirto)
**These items will be deleted from dirto by automatic resolution**

UNIQUE ITEMS IN DIRFROM: (names, dirfrom, dirto)
**These items will be copied over to dirto by automatic resolution**

[(['a?b copy 9.txt'],
MIXED MODE NAMES: (name, dirfrom, dirto)
**These items will be replaced in dirto by automatic resolution**

*Resolving tree differences
Skipping system cruft (metadata) files in FROM folders
....backing up all items to /Volumes/SAMSUNG_T5/test-ads/__bkp__/date221110-time114139
....removed listed file: /Volumes/SAMSUNG_T5/test-ads/a?b copy 8.txt
....removed 1/0 files/dirs listed in __added__.txt
replaced same file, using FROM /Users/me/Desktop/temp/DELTAS/z-fold-3/more/more/
replaced same file, using FROM /Users/me/Desktop/temp/DELTAS/z-fold-3.txt
....retaining all common TO items
copied new FROM file, /Users/me/Desktop/temp/DELTAS/a?b copy 9.txt
Phase runtime: 0.016184341000000005
Compared    => files: 2, folders: 4, symlinks: 0
Differences => samefile: 2, uniqueto: n/a, uniquefrom: 1, mixedmode: 0
files   => created: 1, deleted: 1, replaced: 2
folders => created: 0, deleted: 0, replaced: 0

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