File: android-deltas-sync/_etc/bash-version/

# Sync Changes, Part 2: run on PHONE, in Termux or other, with:
#     bash
# Run this from any folder; it uses paths set in config-phone.txt,
# and finds sourced files in its own folder automatically.
# Step runtimes are shown in the console after step completion.  
# Step outputs go to files in $L; watch with 'tail -f $L/file'.
# See _README.html for license, attribution, and more docs.

mydir=$(dirname "$0")             # this script's own folder
source $mydir/config-phone.txt    # get settings for scripts run on phone
source $mydir/           # run code common to both PC and phone

# 'to' must exist here
if [ ! -e $T/$STUFF ]; then
    echo "The \$T/\$STUFF folder does not exist: $T/$STUFF"
    echo 'Exiting; please check the config file and rerun.'

# 1) Copy deltas zip from proxy to phone with an explorer app

# Choose your app (but not Termux: POSIX cannot access USB in 11)

echo "Manually copy or move"
echo "    from the root of the USB drive"
echo "    to $F"
echo 'using any Android file-explorer app with suitable storage permissions.'
read -p 'Press enter/return here when the copy is finished...'

# did the copy work?
if [ ! -e $F/ ]; then
    echo 'Deltas zip not found; please rerun this script to try again.'

# 2) Unzip deltas on phone with [] in Termux

announce 'Unzipping deltas on phone'
time python3 $Z/ $F/ $F -permissions \
                 > $L/$stamp--sync-1-unzip-deltas-log.txt

# 3) Apply deltas to phone with [ -restore] in Termux

announce 'Applying deltas to phone'
time python3 $M/ $F/DELTAS $T/$STUFF -restore -auto -skipcruft -backup -quiet \
                 > $L/$stamp--sync-2-apply-deltas-log.txt

# 4) Cleanup deltas zip and folder on phone in Termux

printf '\nRemoving deltas folder from phone\n'
time rm -rf $F/DELTAS

# on-phone zip; user may have copied or moved the proxy zip, but can't check here
printf '\nRemoving deltas zip from phone (remove manually from proxy as needed)\n'
time rm $F/ 

# Configurable: hook for custom post-propagate steps

bash $mydir/

printf "\nFinished: see logs in $L.\n"

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