File: android-deltas-sync/_etc/examples/x-3-devices-with-pc-as-phone/_readme.txt

This demo applies the same deltas set to three devices:
it uses a Windows PC as a destination for the deltas set's 
updates, along with both Android 10 and 11 phones.  The 
run/ and logs/ folders capture results on the macOS source, 
as well as all three destinations.

This system was not designed to be used for PC destinations
this way (hence the "phone" in its step-2 prompts), but this 
usage mode works--the PC is updated for the deltas-set changes
just like the two phones.  To make this happen, configure your 
PC's paths in the "phone" config file on the target PC per the
configs/ example here, and run "phone" sync scripts on your PC.

This usage mode may not be quite as nice as a direct sync with
Mergeall's GUI on the PC, but may run faster (it skips the full
initial comparison phase of direct syncs), and is roughly a wash
in terms of user steps (it trades folder selection in a GUI for
a zipfile copy in a file explorer).  This mode also generally 
requires that the PC be updated while the deltas set is valid, 
though the PC (unlike Android 11+) can be updated via direct sync
anytime to make it the same as the proxy used to compute deltas.

The phones here use shared storage for the content copy, and 
app-specific storage for the temporary deltas zipfile and unzip
(this is large-shared-storage/, with PC and Android 10 targets).
Logfiles have been trimmed because the content is private, and 
nonportable filenames are fixed for Android 11 shared storage.

This example was run under Mergeall 3.3.

NOTE: Unicode normalization messages in some logs/ here won't
appear normally; see "LOG-MESSAGES NIT" in ../_README.txt.

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