File: android-deltas-sync/_etc/examples/x-1.1-verify-example/runs/2-verify-part2-pc.txt

# Run by command line in Terminal on macOS (Catalina).
# This verifies roughly one month of to-phone syncs.
# All differences were valid.  Most (the 124 mixedmode)
# were symlinks, that morph into stub files in Android 
# shared storage.  The rest reflect changes made on the
# PC during and after the phone-side verify-script run.
# Hence: the phone's content copy is proved == the PC's.
# For a > 200G-space/160k-file collection, total verify
# time was 50 minutes on phone and 15 on PC; too much for
# frequent syncs, but okay for rare verifies and exports.

$ A=/Users/me/MY-STUFF/Code/fold3-vs-deltas/android-deltas-sync
$ python3 $A/
Android Deltas Sync 1.1

from /Volumes/SAMSUNG_T5/
to   /Users/me/MY-STUFF
logs /Users/me/Desktop/deltas-logs

START: Unzipping phone content on pc
Press enter/return to continue
    Runtime: 8m, 37.357s
Zip extract summary:
    Extract finished: files=166308, folders=15498, symlinks=0, unknowns=0.

START: Running mergeall to verify phone content
Press enter/return to continue
    Runtime: 0m, 19.448s
Mergeall summary:
    Compared    => files: 152518, folders: 12264, symlinks: 0
    Differences => samefile: 3, uniqueto: 5, uniquefrom: 1, mixedmode: 124
    files   => created: 0, deleted: 0, replaced: 0
    folders => created: 0, deleted: 0, replaced: 0

Show full Mergeall output (y or n)? n
Verify phone content with diffall too (y or n)? y
Running diffall to verify phone content
    Runtime: 4m, 57.654s
Diffall summary:
    - items MISSED at [/Users/me/PHONE/MY-STUFF/Websites/Programs/Current/Complete] - [/Users/me/MY-STUFF/Websites/Programs/Current/Complete]: [_main.css]
    - items MISSED at [/Users/me/PHONE/MY-STUFF/Websites/Class] - [/Users/me/MY-STUFF/Websites/Class]: [_shrinkpix-info.txt]
    - items MISSED at [/Users/me/PHONE/MY-STUFF/Websites/OldMain/Current] - [/Users/me/MY-STUFF/Websites/OldMain/Current]: [_shrinkpix-info.txt]
    - items MISSED at [/Users/me/PHONE/MY-STUFF/Websites/OldMain/Current] - [/Users/me/MY-STUFF/Websites/OldMain/Current]: [TOOLS.txt]
    - items MISSED at [/Users/me/PHONE/MY-STUFF/Websites/OldMain/Current] - [/Users/me/MY-STUFF/Websites/OldMain/Current]: [Html-inserts]
    - items MISSED at [/Users/me/PHONE/MY-STUFF/Websites/OldMain/Current/Complete] - [/Users/me/MY-STUFF/Websites/OldMain/Current/Complete]: [_main.css]
    End of report.

Show full diffall output (y or n)? n

Remove verify's zipfile from proxy drive (y or n)? y
    Runtime: 0m, 0.037s

Remove verify's unzipped content folder from PC (y or n)? n
Retained "/Users/me/PHONE"

Finished - total elapsed time (h:m:s) = 0:15:35
See logs in "/Users/me/Desktop/deltas-logs".

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