File: android-deltas-sync/_etc/examples/large-shared-storage/runs/4-sync-changes-phone.txt

# UPDATE: this example was rerun with Mergeall 3.3 and the new 
# preset, so its runtimes no longer include the prune overhead.
# See also PRIOR-SYNC/before* for a similar sync run before 
# same-name deletes were changed to run iff the names differ
# (spoiler: deltas apply fell from 27 minutes to 34 seconds).

# [Former caveat: this was run before the [BackupChanges = False] 
# config preset was added to avoid slow __bkp__ folder prunes.  With 
# the new preset, the apply step runs faster; most of its time here 
# was spent in a prior-backup delete, which is slow in Android 11.]

# Or run by tapping a Termux:Widget home-screen shortcut
$ A=/sdcard/Download/fold3-vs-deltas/android-deltas-sync/

$ python3 $A/
Android Deltas Sync 1.1

from /sdcard/Android/data/com.termux/
to   /sdcard/MY-STUFF
logs /sdcard/Download/deltas-logs

Manually copy or move
    from the root of the USB drive
    to   /sdcard/Android/data/com.termux
using any Android file-explorer app with suitable storage permissions.

Press enter/return here when the copy is finished...

START: Unzipping deltas on phone
Press enter/return to continue
    Runtime: 0m, 1.850s
Zip extract summary:
    Extract finished: files=1273, folders=190, symlinks=0, unknowns=0.

START: Applying deltas to phone
Press enter/return to continue
    Runtime: 0m, 34.396s
Mergeall summary:
    Compared    => files: 1106, folders: 161, symlinks: 0
    Differences => samefile: 1106, uniqueto: n/a, uniquefrom: 67, mixedmode: 0
    files   => created: 57, deleted: 43, replaced: 1106
    folders => created: 10, deleted: 4, replaced: 0
Removing deltas folder from phone
    Runtime: 0m, 0.087s
Removing deltas zip from phone (remove manually from proxy as needed)
    Runtime: 0m, 0.037s

Running postcopy hooks

Finished - total elapsed time (h:m:s) = 0:2:25
See logs in "/sdcard/Download/deltas-logs".

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