File: android-deltas-sync/_etc/examples/large-shared-storage/_readme.txt

This demo's PC-side scripts were run on macOS.  On the 
phone, it uses app-specific storage for zips (for speed) 
and shared storage for content (for accessibility and
longevity).  This is a generally recommended combo,  
but use app-private or shared for zips if required in 
Android 13 (per _README.html#android13-app-specific).

This is a stress test: the content collection is 208G and 
contains some 180k files (at most recent count).  Logfiles
have been trimmed because the content is private.

Nonportable filenames must be fixed here, because Android 11
shared storage doesn't allow them.  Names were fixed earlier 
in the content anyhow, for interoperability with Windows.

See also the comments on runtimes in:

  It's unclear if the Termux wakelock was held for this run,
  but it's also unclear if it matters: search for "wakelock"
  in the top-level _README.html for info and links, or try

runs/4-sync-changes-phone.txt and ../_README.txt
  When BackupChanges = False, the phone-side sync is faster 
  than shown here when, and similar to the .. app-storage demo.
  Update: per the next NOTE, sync times now reflect the preset.

NOTE: the sync portions of this example were regenerated under
Mergeall 3.3, but the initial-copy portions were not, so the
initial-copy run logs may differ slightly with the current 
release.  A rerun of the initial copy would require a 4-hour 
deletion and a 2.5 hour copy, and vary only trivially.  

The new sync runs are not directly comparable to the initial 
copy, because the content has changed; the changes set also 
differs (and is larger).  For comparison, see the prior logs
saved in logs/*/PRIOR-SYNC/.  The runs/ folder has a similar
subfolder for the prior sync's outputs.

NOTE: Unicode normalization messages in some logs/ here won't
appear normally; see "LOG-MESSAGES NIT" in ../_README.txt.

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