File: android-deltas-sync/_etc/examples/large-appspecific-storage/_readme.txt

This demo's PC-side scripts were run on macOS.  It uses
app-specific storage for both zips and content on the phone.

This is a stress test: the content collection is 208G and 
contains some 180k files (at most recent count).  Logfiles
have been trimmed because the content is private.

Nonportable filenames do not need to be fixed here, because 
Android 11 app-specific storage allows them.  Names were fixed
earlier in the content anyhow, for interoperability with Windows.

NOTE: this example was not regenerated under Mergeall 3.3,
so its run logs may differ slightly with the current release.
Resetting this test's start state requires multiple hours
(especially since content must first be deleted from shared
storage--a 4-hour task).  For more recent logs, see the basic-*,
windows-*, and linux-* examples, as well as the large-shared* 
example's sync steps.

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