File: android-deltas-sync/_etc/bash-version/

# Post to-phone-propagation steps: EDIT ME for any extra steps.
# This script is run automatically at the end of the initial-copy
# and sync-changes phone scripts.  Hence, any code you add here 
# will be run after all to-phone content propagations.  
# Example: if you are storing content in Termux's app-specific 
# storage for its speed, you may wish to copy select content to 
# shared storage (/sdcard) so it can be accessed from other apps. 
# This can be used only to copy to shared storage; Termux cannot
# access other apps' storage in Android 11 (and vice versa).

mydir=$(dirname "$0")                # this script's own folder
source $mydir/config-phone.txt       # get settings for scripts run on phone
source $mydir/              # get code common to both PC and phone
printf '\nRunning postcopy hooks\n'

# Example: copy calendar ICS files to shared storage for use by 
# the Frigcal GUI run in the Pydroid 3 app.  Apps do not normally
# have access to other apps' app-specific storage.
# printf "\nCopying calendar content to shared storage\n"
# rf -rf /sdcard/Downloads/Frigcal-source/Calendars
# cp -rp $T/$STUFF/Code/frigcal/Calendars /sdcard/Downloads/Frigcal-source

# Example: sync music up for use by folder player; or share with
# a shuffling player, or open in CX file explorer's player,... 
# printf "\nSyncing MP3s to shared storage\n"
# if [ !e /sdcard/Music/Jazz ]; then mkdir /sdcard/Music/Jazz; fi
# python3 $M/ $T/$STUFF/Music/Jazz /sdcard/Music/Jazz -auto -skipcruft

# But this doesn't work: Termux cannot access other apps' storage,
# so this requires a manual copy in a file explorer (or Android 10).
# cp -rp $T/$STUFF/Websites/UNION /sdcard/Android/data/

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