File: android-deltas-sync/_etc/bash-version/config-phone.txt

# PHONE setup code => EDIT ME.  Shared by initial copies and syncs.
# This is Bash code: no spaces around '=', quote nonalphanum paths.
# You need to edit this file on the phone copy of this package only.
# For L, give the path to a folder on your phone for logfile saves.
# For M, give the path to the folder where you've unzipped the
# Mergeall source-code package on your phone (any folder will do).
# For F (from), give the path where zips are copied from the proxy.
# For T (to),   give the path to the content copy on your phone.
# For STUFF,    give the name of your content's top-level folder.
# In combination:
#     - $F/$ is the content zip for initial copy
#     - $F/ is the changes zip for content syncs
#     - $T/$STUFF is your content copy's folder on your phone
# For F (from) and T (to), use either:
#     -Shared storage:        /sdcard
#     -App-specific storage:  /sdcard/Android/data/com.termux
#     -App-private storage:   /data/data/com.termux
# See this package's _README.html for more on Android storage;
# app storage has limited access, but shared storage is slower.

L=/sdcard/Download/deltas-logs        # logfiles folder (tail -f to watch)
M=/sdcard/Download/Mergeall-source    # Mergeall source-code folder

F=/sdcard/Android/data/com.termux     # path to $STUFF zip and DELTAS zip post copy (from)
T=/sdcard/Android/data/com.termux     # path to $STUFF archive root on phone (to)
STUFF=test-mangles    # MY-STUFF                        # name of archive's root folder

# y or n option settings
PauseSteps=y                          # stop for enter or ctrl-c between steps?

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