File: ziptools/ziptools/ziptools/

============================================================================== - work around Windows' normal path-length limits.
See ziptools' ../_README.html for license, attribution, and other logistics.

The code here was adapted (copied) from Mergeall's, as the
ziptools package is available both in Mergeall and separately.  See Mergeall's ( for docs clipped here.

from __future__ import print_function   # py 2.x
import sys, os

TracePaths = False             # show expanded paths? (here or arg)

FileLimit  = 260 - 1           # 259 in Py, including 3 for drive, N for UNC
DirLimit   = FileLimit - 12    # 247 in Py, after reserving 12 for 8.3 name

# only need to care here
RunningOnWindows  = sys.platform.startswith('win')

def fixLongWindowsPath(pathname, force=False, limit=DirLimit, trace=TracePaths):
    [3.0] Fix too-long paths on Windows (only) by prefixing as
    needed to invoke APIs that support extended-length paths.
    See's docstrings for more details on the fix.
    Call this before other Python file-path tools as required.
    Returns pathname either unaltered or with required expansion.
    Pass force=True to prefix on Windows regardless of length.
    This may be required to prefix pathnames on a just-in-case
    basis, for APIs like shutil.rmtree() and os.walk() that 
    recur into subfolders of unknown depth, and for libs that
    otherwise expand paths to unknown lengths (e.g., zipfile).

    This is given a "FWP" shorter synonym ahead for convenience:
    depending on your code it may wind up appearing at _every_
    stdlib file-tool call, but is a quick no-op where unneeded.
    if not RunningOnWindows:
        # Mac, Linux, etc.: no worries
        return pathname
        abspathname = os.path.abspath(pathname)       # use abs len (see above)
        if len(abspathname) <= limit and not force:   # rel path len is moot
            # Windows path within limits: ok
            return pathname
            # Windows path too long: fix it
            pathname = abspathname                    # to absolute, and / => \
            extralenprefix = '\\\\?\\'                # i.e., \\?\ (or r'\\?'+'\\')
            if not pathname.startswith('\\\\'):       # i.e., \\   (or r'\\')
                # local drives: C:\
                pathname = extralenprefix + pathname  # C:\dir => \\?\C:\dir
                # network drives: \\...               # \\dev  => \\?\UNC\dev
                pathname = extralenprefix + 'UNC' + pathname[1:]
            if trace: print('Extended path =>', pathname[:60])
            return pathname

def unfixLongWindowsPath(pathname):
    For contexts that require a just-in-case preemptive '\\?\'
    prefix (e.g., os.walk(), shutil.rmtree()), strip the prefix
    to restore the original pathname (mostly) when it is needed.
    May be required to get the normal folder name when using
    os.walk(); os.path.splitdrive() strips '\\?\' but also 'C:'.
    Note that this does NOT undo relative->absolute mapping:
    see os.path.isabs() and os.path.relpath() where required.
    if not pathname.startswith('\\\\?\\'):      # never will on Mac, Linux
        return pathname                         # may or may not on Windows
        if pathname.startswith('\\\\?\\UNC'):
            return '\\' + pathname[7:]          # network: drop \\?\UNC, add \
            return pathname[4:]                 # local: drop \\?\ only

# Shorter synonyms for coding convenience
# FWP stands for "Fix Windows Paths" (officially...)

FWP      = fixLongWindowsPath      # generic: use most-inclusive limit (dirs)
FWP_dir  = FWP                     # or force dir-path or file/other limits
FWP_file = lambda *pargs, **kargs: FWP(*pargs, limit=FileLimit, **kargs)
UFWP     = unfixLongWindowsPath

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