File: ziptools/ziptools/

# Test ziptools by zipping, unzipping, and comparing to originals zipped.
# See ziptools' ./_README.html for license, attribution, and other logistics.
# Formerly in, before it was moved to a subpackage;
# Python 3.X doesn't very well support files that are both script+module.
# This script must be edited for your paths/context: see all "[**EDIT ME**]".
# Get the {mergeall,diffall}.py scripts at
# Their normal "-skipcruft" is omitted here on purpose: tests with and without.

import sys, os

from ziptools import createzipfile, extractzipfile   # main tools
from ziptools import cruft_skip_keep                 # default cruft patterns
from ziptools import tryrmtree                       # pre-extract utility

# portability 
RunningOnPython2 = sys.version.startswith('2')
RunningOnWindows = sys.platform.startswith('win')

if RunningOnPython2: input = raw_input 

if __name__ == '__main__':
    Self-test, run in script's folder (and edit me: your context may vary).
    Makes a zip file, unzips it, and compares results to original data.
    See,, for command-line clients.

    if input('Proceed with test (y=yes)? ').lower() != 'y':
        sys.exit()    # don't run on accidental clicks
    def announce(*args):
        print('\n\n****', *args, '****\n')

    # configure test-run parameters

    # map test to test subdir names
    skipcruft = len(sys.argv) > 1    # any cmdline arg?
    platform  = sys.platform         # win32, darwin, or linux

    # nit: not really OSX anymore    
    cruftsubdir = 'skipcruft' if skipcruft else 'withcruft'
    platsubdir  = dict(win32='Windows', darwin='MacOSX', linux='Linux')[platform]

    # make+use folder here to create and extract a zipfile
    testsubdir = os.path.join('selftest', platsubdir, cruftsubdir)
    if not os.path.exists(testsubdir):              # selftest\Windows\withcruft
        os.makedirs(testsubdir)                     # selftest/MacOSX/skipcruft
    zipto = os.path.join(testsubdir, '') # plus the zip file target

    # use test data dirs in '..' parent [**EDIT ME**]
    origin  = '..'
    folders = ['test1', 'test2']                    # i.e., [../test1, ../test2]
    sources = [(origin + os.sep + folder) for folder in folders]

    # zip original source dirs to subdir file
    if not skipcruft:                     # any cmdline arg? use cruft patts
        createzipfile(zipto, sources)     # else keep cruft: use {} default
        createzipfile(zipto, sources, cruftpatts=cruft_skip_keep)    

    # unzip subdir file to subdir dirs, cleaning first if needed
    for folder in folders:
        tryrmtree(os.path.join(testsubdir, folder))       # clean extract targets
    extractzipfile(zipto, testsubdir, permissions=True)   # extract in testsubdir 

    # compare zipped+unzipped subdir dirs to original source dirs

    # use mergeall's diff and merge for validation [**EDIT ME**]
    mergeallpath = os.path.join('..', '..', '')
    diffallpath  = os.path.join('..', '..', '')

    # compare structure + file modtimes
    for folder in folders:
        announce('COMPARING MODTIMES:', folder)
        pipe = os.popen('%s %s %s %s -report' %
                        (sys.executable, mergeallpath,
                         os.path.join(origin, folder),
                         os.path.join(testsubdir, folder)))    # no -skipcruft
        for line in pipe: 
            print(line, end='')

    # compare by full-file content
    for folder in folders:
        announce('COMPARING CONTENT:', folder)
        pipe = os.popen('%s %s %s %s' %
                        (sys.executable, diffallpath,
                         os.path.join(origin, folder),
                         os.path.join(testsubdir, folder)))    # no -skipcruft
        for line in pipe: 
            print(line, end='')

    if RunningOnWindows:
        input('Press Enter to exit.')  # stay up if clicked

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