File: thumbspage/examples/unicode/

# ========================================================================
# Run this bash script in this folder to make just this folder's gallery:
#   ~/.../thumbspage/examples/unicode$ bash
# To make all examples, run the script ../../build/,
# which runs this script and all others like it.  This automates console 
# inputs, but requires a Unix-style bash shell; extrapolate for other 
# shells or run thumbspage manually elsewhere per _HOW-MADE.txt here. 
# Caveat: this requires editing the "unito" setting on each new release.
# ========================================================================

# gallery in subfolder, plus a partial results folder, and an extra run

# alternative default-footer index
mv ./images/FOOTER.html ./images/_FOOTER.html
python3 ../../ ./images <<-EOF

mv ./images/index.html ./images/index-default.html
mv ./images/_FOOTER.html ./images/FOOTER.html

# real index
python3 ../../ ./images <<-EOF


# copy a small subset of the gallery for online views

# make dir if needed
if [ ! -d $unito ]; then { rm -f $unito; mkdir $unito; } fi

cp $unifrom/index.html $unito/_index.html

# this is auto-split on spaces into a list, use "" for '
files="'chicago'-&'\$#~,^_.JPG 真棒照片.JPG pymailgui-spÄÄÄm.png"
for name in $files; do cp $unifrom/$name $unito; done

rm -rf $unito/_thumbspage
mkdir  $unito/_thumbspage
for name in $files
    cp $unifrom/_thumbspage/$name      $unito/_thumbspage
    cp $unifrom/_thumbspage/$name.html $unito/_thumbspage

## UNUSED dynamic-layout alternative
## python3 ../../ ./images \
##            INDEX=\'index-dynamic\' \
##            THUMBS=\'_thumbspage-dynamic\' \
##            useDynamicIndexLayout=True \
##            dynamicLayoutPaddingH=\'4px\' \
##            dynamicLayoutPaddingV=\'6px\' \
##            inputCleanThumbsFolder=True \
##            inputThumbMaxSize=100 inputUseViewerPages=True \
##            popupFgColor=\'#ddd\' \
##            popupOpacity=0.45

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