File: class/Extras/Code/Misc/

Demonstrate the many mutations of generators though the years...
(Copyright M. Lutz 2015)

1) In 2.3+: original model - yield
2) In 2.5+: sends (plus throws, closes)
3) In 3.3+: returns and subgenerators
4) In 3.5+: asynch/await (plus asyncio in 3.4)

This is a supplement to the book "Learning Python".  Its first few sections'
code runs under both Python 2.X and 3.X, but later code requires recent 3.X.
Generators and coroutines in Python: 

 -Have seen a volatile and even tortured evolution, that likely qualifies
  as thrashing

 -Have advanced and obscure usage modes that are not widely used by most
  Python programmers

 -In advanced roles, are more in the realm of application programming 
  than language, as they entail concurrent programming techniques.  

However, they have recently spawned new syntax that can regrettably make 
them a required topic for all users and learners of the core language.

# See also: expression equivalent, in 2.4+

>>> for x in (i ** 2 for i in range(4)):    # Automatically yields values
...     print(x)                            # But defs can use full statements

# 1) In 2.3+: original model - yield
# A def with a "yield" statement automatically supports the iteration 
# protocol: yielded values are returned for next().  This suffices for
# simple task switching: see

>>> def a(N):                      # YIELD VALS ONLY
...     for i in range(N):         # Suspend and resume just after yield
...         yield i ** 2           # Result of caller's next() or send()

>>> G = a(4)                       # Manual iteration: iteration protocol
>>> next(G)                        # Yielded values recieved at top by caller
>>> next(G)
>>> next(G)
>>> next(G)
>>> next(G)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>

>>> for top in a(4): print(top)    # Automatic iteration: all contexts
...                                # Calls next() * N, catches exception

# Example: classic producer/consumer model
# See also task switcher link above for a more general model
# Threads + thread queues achieve similar effect without manual yields

>>> queue = []                        # Shared object and global name
>>> def produce(N):
...     for i in range(N):
...         queue.append(i ** 2)
...         yield                     # Suspend, yield control to consume()
>>> def consume(N):
...     for i in produce(N):          # Start or resume produce() on each loop
...         res = queue.pop()
...         print(res)
>>> consume(4)

# 2) In 2.5+: sends (plus throws and closes, not shown)
# The caller can resume a generator and pass it a value via G.send(X):  
# X becomes the result of the "yield" expression inside the generator.

>>> def a(N):                   # YIELD VALS + GET SENT VALS
...    for i in range(N): 
...        X = yield i ** 2     # X is result of caller's send()
...        print('gen:', X)     # Display X after resumed

# Iterate manually

>>> G = a(4)                    # Create generator

>>> G.send(77)                  # Must start with next(), not send()
TypeError: can't send non-None value to a just-started generator

>>> top = next(G)               # Start generator: to first yield
>>> top                         # Yielded iteration value in caller

>>> top = G.send(77)            # 77 sent to suspended yield expression
gen: 77                         # Sent value printed in generator
>>> top                         # Yielded iteration value in caller

>>> top = G.send(88)            # 88 sent to suspended yield expression
gen: 88                         # Sent value printed in generator
>>> top                         # Yielded iteration value in caller

>>> top = next(G)
gen: None                       # No value (default None) sent by next()
>>> top                         # Final yielded iteration value

>>> G.send(99)                  # Resume a(), a() exits, no new value
gen: 99
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>

# Iterate with loops

>>> for x in a(4): print('top:', x)     # next() sends default None to a()
top: 0
gen: None
top: 1
gen: None
top: 4
gen: None
top: 9
gen: None

>>> G = a(4)                            # Send explicit values to a()
>>> v = next(G)
>>> print(v)
>>> while True:
...     v = G.send('Spam' * (v+1))
...     print('top:', v)
gen: Spam
top: 1
gen: SpamSpam
top: 4
gen: SpamSpamSpamSpamSpam
top: 9
gen: SpamSpamSpamSpamSpamSpamSpamSpamSpamSpam
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 2, in <module>

# Example: using sent value inside a generator
# Yielded values can influence the caller's next action
# Sent values can influence the generator's next iteration

>>> def a(N):
...     X = True
...     for i in range(N):
...         if X:
...             result = i ** 2
...         else:
...             result = 1 / float(i)
...         X = yield result

>>> G = a(4)
>>> next(G)             # Generator runs up to first yield and suspends
>>> G.send(False)       # Suspended yield resumed, returns sent value 
>>> G.send(True)        # Sent value always impacts _next_ iteration
>>> G.send(False)
>>> G.send(True)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>

# 3) In 3.3+: returns and subgenerators
# A "return X" is allowed in generators: X is attached to the StopIteration
# exception and becomes the result of a "yield from" subgenerator expression,
# which also propagates sent and yielded values to and from subgenerators.

C:\Code> py -3.5  # 3.3 and later

>>> def a(N):                           # YIELD VALS + RETURN RESULT
...     for i in range(N):
...         yield i ** 2                # yield: result of iterations
...     return 'SPAM'                   # return: result of "yield from" expression

>>> def b(N):
...     print('before...')
...     res = yield from a(N)           # Exports subgenerator iteration results
...     print('after...', res)          # res is "return" value (or None by default)

>>> for x in a(4): print('top:', x)     # Iterate through subgenerator directly
top: 0
top: 1
top: 4
top: 9

>>> for x in b(4): print('top:', x)     # Iterate through subgenerator indirectly
top: 0
top: 1
top: 4
top: 9
after... SPAM

>>> G = a(4)
>>> try:
...     while True: next(G)
... except StopIteration as E:          # Catch return value in exception handler
...     print(E.value)

>>> b(4)                                # Generators are nothing till started
<generator object b at 0x00...B65990>

>>> def a(N):
...     for i in range(N):
...         yield i ** 2                # Returns None by default (as usual)
>>> for x in b(4): print('top:', x)     # b() delegates to the new a()
top: 0
top: 1
top: 4
top: 9
after... None

# DRUMROLL PLEASE... (all behavior combined)

>>> def a(N):                           # YIELD VALS + GET SENT VALS + RETURN RESULT
...     for i in range(N):
...         X = yield i ** 2            # X is result of highest send()
...         print('gen:', X)            # Display X after resumed
...     return 'SPAM'                   # return: result of "yield from" expression

>>> def b(N):
...     print('before...')
...     res = yield from a(N)           # Exports subgenerator iteration results
...     print('after...', res)          # res is "return" value (or None by default)

# Iterate manually

>>> G = b(4)         # Create generator
>>> next(G)          # Start: to first yield in b() then a(), 0 passed up to top
>>> G.send(77)       # 77 sent to b() then a(), a() yields 1 to b() then top
gen: 77
>>> G.send(88)       # ditto, but sends 88 and receives 4
gen: 88
>>> next(G)          # next() sends default None, a() yields 9 to b() then top
gen: None
>>> G.send(99)       # Send 99 to a(), a() exits + returns 'SPAM' to b(), b() exits
gen: 99
after... SPAM
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>

# Iterate with loops

>>> for x in b(4): print('top:', x)     # next() sends default None to a() via b()
top: 0
gen: None
top: 1
gen: None
top: 4
gen: None
top: 9
gen: None
after... SPAM

>>> G = b(4)                            # Send explicit values to a() via b()
>>> v = next(G)
>>> v
>>> while True:
...     v = G.send('Eggs' * (v+1))
...     print('top:', v)
gen: Eggs
top: 1
gen: EggsEggs
top: 4
gen: EggsEggsEggsEggsEggs
top: 9
gen: EggsEggsEggsEggsEggsEggsEggsEggsEggsEggs
after... SPAM
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 2, in <module>

# Example: using sent values inside a subgenerator
# Both "yield" and "yield from" require "()" unless alone on right of "="

>>> def a(N):
...     sum = 0
...     for i in range(N):
...         sum += i + (yield i)        # Add on i plus sent value
...     return sum                      # (0+1+2+3) + (10+20+30+40)
>>> def b(N):
...     res = yield from a(N)           # Get subgenerator return value
...     return float(res)               # Return float conversion here
>>> G = b(4)
>>> next(G)                             # Run to first yield in a()
>>> G.send(10)                          # Send 10 to suspended yield
>>> G.send(20)
>>> G.send(30)
>>> G.send(40)                          # Send 40, a() exits, b() exits
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
StopIteration: 106.0

>>> ^Z
C:\Code> py -3.2                        # Return allowed in generators in 3.3+ only
>>> def a():
...     for i in range(4):
...         yield i ** 2
...     return 'SPAM'
SyntaxError: 'return' with argument inside generator

# 4) In 3.5+: asynch/await (plus asyncio in 3.4)
# New "async" and "await" core language syntax attempts to distinguish some 
# coroutine roles, by adding an entirely new and incompatible model.  
# This new model in 3.5:
#   -Builds on ideas in the new "asyncio" standard library module in 3.4 
#   -Which builds on the subgenerators added in 3.3
#   -Which builds on the extended generators of 2.5
#   -Which assumes the original model of 2.3 (and 2.4)
# For details, see:
#   -The PEP for change 0492
#   -Python 3.5's documentation 
#   -
#   -Or your local priest...

# This space intentionally left blank

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