#!/usr/bin/python """ ================================================================================ Create forward-link redirection pages for relocating a web site. Generates one page for every existing site html file; upload the generated files to your old web site. See ftplib later in the book for ways to run site uploads in scripts either after or during page file creation. Added March 2014: 2.X compatibility, copy extra tools files at the end. Added October 2015: make .html files for non .html items too, for servers that support -- a x.jpg access may open a x.jpg.html file on some servers. ================================================================================ """ from __future__ import print_function import os, time servername = 'learning-python.com' # where site is relocating to homedir = 'books' # where site will be rooted templatename = 'template.html' # template for generated pages datestr = time.strftime('%b-%d-%Y') # mon-dd-yyyy, or time.asctime()? REDIRECTALL = True # make redirects for all, not just .html/.htm files (Oct15) # where site files live locally sitefilesdir = r'C:\MARKS-STUFF\Websites\Books\current-site-feb1814' # where to store forward files uploaddir = r'C:\MARKS-STUFF\Websites\Books\forward-site-oct2615' try: os.mkdir(uploaddir) # make upload dir if needed except OSError: pass template = open(templatename).read() # load or import template text sitefiles = os.listdir(sitefilesdir) # filenames, no directory prefix count = 0 for filename in sitefiles: if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(sitefilesdir, filename)): print('**skipping dir or non-file:', filename) else: if filename.endswith(('.html','.htm')) or REDIRECTALL: fwdname = os.path.join(uploaddir, filename) if not filename.endswith(('.html', '.htm')): fwdname += '.html' print('relocating', filename, 'via', fwdname) filetext = template.replace('$server$', servername) # insert text filetext = filetext.replace('$home$', homedir) # and write filetext = filetext.replace('$file$', filename) # file varies filetext = filetext.replace('$date$', datestr) # if date used open(fwdname, 'w').write(filetext) count += 1 print('Last file =>\n', filetext, sep='') print('Done:', count, 'forward files created.') # copy files here to upload dir too: favicon, images, etc. (Mar14) for extrahere in os.listdir('.'): to = os.path.join(uploaddir, extrahere) open(to, 'wb').write( open(extrahere, 'rb').read() ) # nothing fancy print('Copied extras file to:', to)