#!/usr/bin/python3 """ =================================================================== [1.4] Simulate minimize/maximize association. NOT USED by frigcal: supplemental example only. Minimize/restore on main window is propagated to popup window. See frigcal.py's onMonthHide/onMonthUnhide for full details. PP4E here means Programming Python 4th Ed (source of some code). [1.6] This doesn't work on Linux, as / don't fire! Even if they did, need to withdraw(), not iconify(), on Linux. =================================================================== """ from tkinter import * root1 = Tk() # month window: main root2 = Toplevel() # image window: dependent def tandemhide(E): root1.iconify() # PLUS--check E.widget==root1! if root2: root2.iconify() # PP4E: page 424, 667, etc. def tandemunhide(E): if root2: root2.deiconify() root1.deiconify() def eraser(): global root2 root2.destroy() root2 = None root1.bind('', tandemhide) # PP4E: page 447 (brief) root1.bind('', tandemunhide) root2.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', eraser) # PP4E: page 393, 423 etc. Label(root1, text='Main Window', font=('courier', 50, 'bold')).pack() Label(root2, text='Popup Window', font=('courier', 25, 'bold')).pack() mainloop()