Learning Python 4th Edition: Updates Page

See also O'Reilly's errata page described below, as well as this book's newer 5th Edition, which incorporates much of what follows.

Below are the current and official lists of general notes and corrections for this edition of the book:

Only the last of these lists is true errata (corrections). The first and second lists contain notes, clarifications, and other supplemental information for readers of this book, and are essentially an informal "blog" for the book (or at least the closest thing to one which I have time to manage). The second and third lists contain items meant to be changed in book reprints.

About This Page

To keep this page from becoming too busy, I've started batching items and moving them off to seperate pages which reflect printings/reprints of the book. At present, each of the three topics listed above has links to two separate pages:

If you have a copy of the first printing, be sure to consult both pages for each topic to see both batches of notes; the next section describes how to know which printing you have. The outstanding recent items in the first batch pages will be repaired soon (and may already have been, if you read this page before I get around to updating it for the next reprint/printing).

About reprints

The items in the last two topics listed above (clarifications and corrections) are intended to be patched in future reprints. The first reprint that I know of officially occurred in January 2010, and had a cutoff for changes on December 15, 2009. Items here labeled with posting dates on or before that cutoff date and posted in the older updates batch pages have been addressed in books printed after that date.

The same will generally hold true for future reprints--items will be fixed in reprints that occur after the item's posting date here. However, a second reprint was run in April 2010, which did not contain any patches; its content is the same as the January 2010 reprint. The date of a book's printing can be found at the bottom right corner of the inner side of its second page. Because the first reprint was now so long ago, I've moved further details about it off-page.

Update: There was another reprint in August 2010 (8/2010) which incorporated some but not all of the outstanding items listed on the "newer" (post first reprint) pages below. It appears that only fewer than 1/3 of these items were patched in this reprint, though we're making steady progress on removing typos and adding clarifications over time.

Update: There have been additional reprints of this book after 2010 which picked up all remaining errata items. To see what was patched when, O'Reilly's errata site, described in the next paragraph, tags items with the date that they were patched in reprints.

O'Reilly's errata site

O'Reilly also maintains a separate and partly unmoderated errata list at its web site which may or may not intersect with my own here, and can contain unconfirmed entries which may or may not reflect genuine errors. Because I don't generally have time to keep the two lists in synch, when in doubt, please consult both lists, but consider my list here to be the final word. I try to cut-and-paste the valid items here to the O'Reilly list so that they are generally the same, but this isn't guaranteed.

If you find errata

I receive automatic email about posts at O'Reilly's site, but you may also send reports to me directly by emailing lutz@rmi.net. Reader feedback has played a major role in improving this book over the years, and I genuinely appreciate any and all comments.

Book Notes

This following sections provide general book notes and supplements for readers of this book. They are ordered in no particular way, but the entries are labeled with reporting date.

As described above, items have been batched to reflect printings and reprints, and moved to separate pages. Please select the page or pages below that pertain to your book's printing date:

  1. Newer notes which span printings or were added since the first reprint (January 2010)
  2. Older notes which pertain primarily to the first printing or are now otherwise dated

Book Clarifications

This section lists book clarifications, ordered by page number and labeled with reporting date. These items are intended to be patched or inserted in future reprints, unless begun with the text "[No fix required]".

As described above, items have been batched to reflect printings and reprints, and moved to separate pages. Please select the page or pages below that pertain to your book's printing date:

  1. Newer clarifications posted after the first reprint (since January 2010)
  2. Older clarifications added in the first reprint (January 2010)

Book Corrections

This section lists book errata to be repaired in future reprints. It is ordered by page number and labeled with reporting date. [Reprints: be sure to also check the clarifications lists earlier on this page for additional changes; many items there require reprint edits too.]

As described above, items have been batched to reflect printings and reprints, and moved to separate pages. Please select the page or pages below that pertain to your book's printing date:

  1. Newer corrections posted after the first reprint (since January 2010)
  2. Older corrections fixed in the first reprint (January 2010)


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