import sys
from socket import *
from Tkinter import Tk
from PP2E.Gui.Tools.guiStreams import GuiOutput

myport = 50008
sockobj = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
sockobj.bind(('', myport))         # gui is server, script is client
conn, addr = sockobj.accept()      # wait for client to connect
sockobj.setblocking(0)             # use non-blocking socket

def checkdata():
        print conn.recv(1024),     # if ready, show text in GUI window
    except error:                  # raises socket.error if not ready
        pass                       # or message to sys.__stdout__
    root.after(1000, checkdata)    # check once per second

root = Tk()
sys.stdout = GuiOutput(root)       # socket text is displayed on this
root.after(1000, checkdata)
root.mainloop()                    # mainloop in this GUI process only